It’s about five o’clock and we are on a casual date at Buffalo Wild Wings. We decide to sit outside as we both are obsessed with the feelings that sunset brings into our heart. Today, sunshine reveals itself along with Aura’s(Annah) smile.
To you,
I feel healed! I feel alive! At last, light brings my feelings back to me. I don’t remember time anymore. Earlier this week, I got lost in Artistic Survival Mode. I couldn't feel anything and I couldn't express anything. Seven days without my creativity felt like an eternal prison to me. week#6- Irvine Spectrum Center “I am dizzy, do you feel the same?” I ask my friend Beverly who is also on the mission of finding man-made light with me tonight.
“There’s too much stimulation here, I felt it earlier too.” I see the reflection of light through her eyes. Gobo from nature Week#5 To the Best Company of this Journey-, Aliya's shadow.