城市的颜色从车窗的倒影里反射在了我的眼睛里。我丢失在了七彩的幻影里。 我感受到了时间,这样对时间强烈的感受是通过车在空间里不断地快速移动而提醒之后的一种带有社会感的经验感受。 我的心口开始慌张, 就這樣又丟失在了生活裡。 我开始看见树,一棵又一棵的树 深呼吸, 吐气 我来到了一个梦想的列车里。 我发现我刚从昏睡中清醒过来 在這場列車裡,很多人都應為不同的原因昏睡了過去。 他們也許會醒來,也許永遠都不會。 我們舒適地坐在餐車裡,可是餐車裡提供的飯是在另一個平行時空裡,我們只能看見卻無法觸摸到。很多人就這樣睡著了。 我又醒來了,看看左右昏睡的人,又看著幾個不斷嘗試觸摸食物的人。我不知道自己睡了多久,可是我又知道自己很快也許就會再次睡下去。我好像在這一場被保證到達通往夢想的列車裡坐了很久。 這像是一場謊言, 可是又像是一場很久的旅行,只是久到永遠沒有終點。 我決定下車了。 我看見在山脈的另一邊是一群擁擠的人們正在有序的一步一步緩慢的向前方走著。他們看似不相信夢想,但是他們相信通過一步步的走路,他們可以撿起地底下每一片帶有價值的記憶。 我加入了走路的人,慢慢地將眼光從列車的一遍收回。 我不知道究竟誰活在了遠方,誰活在了當下? Dawn
He believes in his God, but denies the existence of artsoul. In that, the emptiness of love shall never be seen by him until the day he starts to believe in the realm of artsoul. He is engrossed in Cliché, who is an envoy of love. Soon after he was born into this world, Cliché instilled in him that in order to find love, he has to find Dr. Right to baptize his being. Just like this, he traveled through his whole life to find this opposing energy force to complete themselves. Revision II
Return She has eyesights of deep-sea fish, almost completely blind. She lay in the center of the hall, like a lifeless corpse. The calacatta tile floor is like an icy serenade to her, only makes the fire burn within. She quietly flows under the thinnest of ice, awaiting the gentle touch of sun. She rolls her head to where he’s at. He stands in the corner, awkwardly. His upper lip twitches a little when he tries to squeeze a V. Her eyes are like broken mirrors to him, the fragments of vanished memories reappear into his mind and reflect back onto the glasses he’s wearing, etches of those blurry, untold stories. He flusters, and eyes averts immediately, the blank white wall clears his face to its usual vacant and staring. Who am I? --- a dancing body The journey of my life starts with a universal question: ‘who am I?’ I constantly question the identity of being a human social animal wherever I go in life. I seek answers through my body as I move to the patterns of nature. I was around six years old when the question of ‘who am I?’ first arrived at me. My father was a curious young man still, he often engaged in philosophical conversation with me throughout my childhood and teenage years. Often, I had no answer to his questions, hence, I would look for answers in books.
Week #9 Blue-- The Empty Space Can you see what I see?
Can you feel what I feel? What determines one to see what they see and feel what they feel? It’s about five o’clock and we are on a casual date at Buffalo Wild Wings. We decide to sit outside as we both are obsessed with the feelings that sunset brings into our heart. Today, sunshine reveals itself along with Aura’s(Annah) smile.
To you,
I feel healed! I feel alive! At last, light brings my feelings back to me. I don’t remember time anymore. Earlier this week, I got lost in Artistic Survival Mode. I couldn't feel anything and I couldn't express anything. Seven days without my creativity felt like an eternal prison to me. week#6- Irvine Spectrum Center “I am dizzy, do you feel the same?” I ask my friend Beverly who is also on the mission of finding man-made light with me tonight.
“There’s too much stimulation here, I felt it earlier too.” I see the reflection of light through her eyes. Gobo from nature Week#5 To the Best Company of this Journey-, Aliya's shadow.
A Journey to the Light Light scatters itself into my childlike heart,
becomes a tree, a leaf and a dance. |