He believes in his God, but denies the existence of artsoul. In that, the emptiness of love shall never be seen by him until the day he starts to believe in the realm of artsoul. He is engrossed in Cliché, who is an envoy of love. Soon after he was born into this world, Cliché instilled in him that in order to find love, he has to find Dr. Right to baptize his being. Just like this, he traveled through his whole life to find this opposing energy force to complete themselves. Who am I? --- a dancing body The journey of my life starts with a universal question: ‘who am I?’ I constantly question the identity of being a human social animal wherever I go in life. I seek answers through my body as I move to the patterns of nature. I was around six years old when the question of ‘who am I?’ first arrived at me. My father was a curious young man still, he often engaged in philosophical conversation with me throughout my childhood and teenage years. Often, I had no answer to his questions, hence, I would look for answers in books.
This performance is dedicated to my father,
Kerimujiang Kuerban, January 3rd, 1969 -- May 30th, 2019 Home
There is no beginning nor the end. To come here I have to move my body and un-move them. My dance reminds me what home is. What seems complete isn’t a completion. For years, I was looking for Mr. Right to complete my body and I had thought God created me out of a part of Mr. Right. I was looking and seeking, dancing and singing. I tried all kinds of forms to be close to the being who potentially completes the missing part of me. I came across myriad souls and bodies, and none of them had ever completed me, though they all entered my body with the will to complete me.
Then, she came along in my journey of finding another half. She completed me without entering my body. I invited her to my soul, we traveled through each other’s universe through an entrance to the black hole. She is the existence of my universe and she is a woman. She is the mother of our world, yet the whole time, we were looking for a father. I exit the gate, I come across three young people at St. Marks Place. Two boys and one girl. I think they are around the same age as I am until I hear one of the boys say.
“ I can’t wait to turn 21, yo.” 21, he says. He: You are.. ..
I: I am an optimist. He: Why are you only writing about tragedy? I: This is the world I live in. He: You call this optimistic I: Yes, because I’m still willing to use words to express my helplessness. The color of my early 20s is like the sky in New York City in late autumn and it is close to the color gray. Though you can still find a trace of life through the washed out sky, but soon it will fade out in the colorlessness of eternity.
You see what I see. You hear what I hear. Eternity. You, is unreal and I is nothing. 1. To think, means to be in solitude. We were born to face the world alone, our parents were there only to give guidance. Regardless of how one cannot be physically apart from another, we are still alone. LA a coffee shop The Balcony Company
1. It has been three months since I graduated from my Master of Arts program at NYU. For the first time I feel adrift. I want to abandon dance, it seems to only offer the feeling of melancholy but nothing more. The feeling of despondency grows in me as I pace the dance floor. I even thought of switching careers to practice Law, but deep down we all know that’s my way of avoiding reality of a dreamer. It is getting harder to be a dreamer these days. Dreaming seems discouraged in this world, in this life. I will never stop to breath. Still he will destroy everything, erase my trace of being, and you, my friend. You will forget everything: my words, my temperature, and me. |